Konačno još jedan favorites post! :D
Za vas danas imam nekoliko stvarčica, odnosno favorita, koje sam baš često koristila tokom ovog meseca. Kako se proleće konačno oseća u vazduhu, tokom ovih toplijih dana sam se trudila da koristim manje šminke, pa se zbog toga u mojim favoritima nalazi samo jedan proizvod iz dekorative, i to maskara kojom sam oduševljena. Sve ostalo su kozmetički proizvodi...
Finally, another favorites post! : D
I have a few of my favorite things prepared for you today, which I very often used during this month. As the spring is finally felt in the air, during these warmer days I tried to use less makeup, and therefore I have only one makeup product shown today- a mascara which I adore. All the rest are cosmetic products ...