уторак, 10. фебруар 2015.

Valentine's Day Red | Nail polishes

Pošto je ovih dana sve crveno i roze i u duhu predstojećeg Dana zaljubljenih, tako sam i današnji post ubacila u to raspoloženje. ;)
Kad bih morala da izaberem samo jednu boju laka za nokte koju nikad ne bih skidala, premišljala bih se izmedju belog i crvenog. To su boje koje izgledaju fantastično na svakome i sigurno odgovaraju bilo kojoj odevnoj kombinaciji. Crvena nijansa je najčešća u mojoj kolekciji lakova za nokte. Inače, i nisam neki veliki ljubitelj ove boje i ona nije veoma često prisutna u mojim odevnim kombinacijama, ali što se tiče lakova, tu je nezamenjiva.

Since these days are all about red and pink and in the spirit of the upcoming Valentine's Day, I decided to put a little bit of festive-love mood in this post. ;) 
If I had to choose only one color of nail polish that I would never take off, I would choose either white or red. These are the colors that look fantastic on everyone and certainly match any fashion look. The red tone is the most common in my collection of nail polishes. Even If this color isn't present in my outfits all the time, I can not say the same thing for nail polishes.

Sally Hansen Diamond Strength u boji Honeymoon Red- Od svih omiljenih, on mi je najomiljeniji! Ovo se odnosi isključivo na trajnost ovog laka koja je zaista fantastična. Na mojim noktima opstaje više od bilo kog drugog laka koji posedujem. Što se boje tiče, ima sedefastu zavrsnicu i jarku nijansu, ne previše tamnu. Iako je četkica mala, lak se veoma jednostavno nanosi na nokte.

Sally Hansen Diamond Strength in the color Honeymoon Red- Of all the nail polishes I love, here's my favorite! This applies mainly to the longetivity of this varnish, which is really fantastic. On my nails It lasts more than any other varnish I have. As for the color, It has a shiny-pearly finish and the shade Is realy vibrant, but not too dark.

Manhattan Lotus Effect u boji 45P- Ovaj lak,po meni, ima najlepšu boju- divnu, kao krv-crvenu. Od svih danas pomenutih, mislim da mi najlepše izgleda na noktima jer jedini nema taj sedefasti sjaj koji drugi poseduju. Četkica je nešto što moram da izdvojim kod ovog laka, jer je izvanredna i veoma lako nanosi dovoljnu količinu laka na nokte. Kako je i dobra trajnost još jedan veliki plus za ovaj proizvod, odlučila sam da ću u budućnosti kupovati još dosta Manhattan lakova.

Manhattan Lotus Effect in color 45P- This polish, to me, has the most beautiful color- beautiful, blood-red. I think that this varnish looks the best on my nails because It doesn't contain a lot of shine and glitter. The brush is realy great and It makes It very easy to apply a sufficient amount of polish on the nails. The longetivity is another big plus for this product, and because all of that I decided to buy more Manhattan polishes in the future.

OPI u boji The Color Of Minnie- Ovaj lak je iz OPI kolekcije Vintage Minnie Mouse. Po boji je veoma sličan Sally Hansen laku, samo što ima malo nežniju boju, ne tako drečavu kao Honeymoon Red. Ima izuzetnu pigmentaciju, kao i svi OPI lakovi, i samo jedan sloj može dobro da izgleda.

OPI in the color The Color Of Minnie- This is the polsih from the OPI collection Vintage Minnie Mouse. The color is very similar to Sally Hansen varnish, but this one has a lighter color, not as vibrant as  the Honeymoon Red. It has an excellent pigmentation, as well as all OPI nail products, and only one layer of this nail polish looks very good.

W7 u boji Passion 118- Ova marka mi nije bila dosta poznata pre upotrebe ovog laka, ali moram priznati da sam bila prijatno iznenadjena sa njegovom dugotrajnosti. Boja u sebi ne sadrži puno sjaja i veoma je slična Manhattan laku, samo što ova nijansa sadrži više narandžastih tonova. Pigmentacija nije ništa posebno zadivljujuća, ali posle dva sloja lak izgleda veoma lepo.

W7 in color Passion 118-  I wasn't very familiar to this brand, but I have to admit that I was pleasantly surprised with the longevity of this varnish. The color doesn't contain a lot of shine and glitter and is very similar to Manhattan polish,but this shade contains more orange tones in it. Pigmentation is not amazing, but after two coats of this polsih, my nails look very nice.

Koji je vaš omiljeni crveni lak za nokte?

Which red nail polish is your favorite? 

Dragana :D 

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